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A+ Expat Corner: 6 Common Health Problems Expats Face Worldwide | A Plus Medical Health Insurance

A+ Expat Corner: 6 Common Health Problems Expats Face Worldwide

Relocating to a new country is exciting but can also bring some challenges. Depending on your destination, the climate and culture may be very different from what you’re used to. Your new diet may include more fat and sugar than you have ever eaten before, while fresh fruits and vegetables might be hard to find. New viruses and bacteria could mean new health risks. 

When it comes to expat health, if you’re planning on living abroad, the biggest threat to your well-being is likely to be a lack of knowledge about how best to safeguard it. Some general health problems affect expats worldwide, but specific health issues may affect expats in some areas of the world. 

Here is a list of common expat health problems, symptoms, and tips for staying healthy when living abroad: 

1. Altitude Sickness 

This condition can strike anyone who travels from a low-altitude area to high-altitude areas such as mountainous regions or areas with very high buildings like skyscrapers. The air pressure is lower at higher altitudes, so oxygen levels are also lower. When traveling at altitude, your body needs time to acclimate to this change in oxygen levels. Altitude sickness can cause headaches, nausea, fatigue, and other symptoms similar to a hangover.  

2. Stress and Depression 

Feeling stressed and depressed is one of the most common expat health problems. This can result from several factors, including loneliness and missing friends and family back home, adapting to a new culture and language, and financial difficulties. 

Studies have found that expats tend to suffer from higher levels of stress and psychological distress than their local counterparts and decreased life satisfaction. Stress can lead to depression, a severe medical condition requiring treatment by a healthcare professional.  

3. Dengue Fever 

Dengue fever is a flu-like illness found in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide, primarily urban and semi-urban. Dengue is spread by mosquitoes that bite during the day. There is no vaccine or specific treatment for dengue. Therefore, prevention through mosquito avoidance is vital. The best way to avoid getting infected is to use mosquito repellent and wear clothing that covers your arms and legs as much as possible when outdoors. 

4. Food Poisoning 

One of the most common expat health problems is food poisoning. There are many strains of bacteria and many types of food poisoning but the most common cause is unclean water and undercooked meat. The symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Food poisoning usually lasts a couple of days and fades away on its own, but it can be lethal in some cases. Take precautions when you eat out abroad, as there are many differences between the standards for food safety in different countries. 

5. Dental Problems 

Dental care varies from country to country, and some countries have higher levels of sugar in their diets than others, leading to tooth decay. If you live in a country like China or India, where there is not much awareness of dental health, you may find yourself needing to see a dentist even if you brushed your teeth twice a day back home. It is best to find an English-speaking dentist before moving abroad so that you know where to go if you need help with your teeth. 

6. Weight Issues 

Many expats gain weight when they move to a new country as they relax more, eat, and drink differently than they did at home. Not only is weight gain unhealthy, but it can also cause psychological stress. 

To counteract this tendency toward a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet, many expats join gyms or fitness classes and make an effort to trade take-out for homemade meals with other expats. Getting your body into shape will make you feel better about yourself and help you enjoy life more. 

Get Easy Care+ today for you and your family   

There are certainly plenty of ways to stay healthy while living abroad, and your best bet is to prepare in advance. Knowing the risks can help you avoid falling ill while abroad and even save your life. The more you know about the area, the better you will be able to avoid pitfalls that could threaten your health and that of your family. 

It is also imperative to have comprehensive international health insurance with medical evacuation coverage so you can afford the best care possible in any emergency. Our goal is to make healthcare easy for you with Easy Care+. For as low as $30/month, enjoy international protection and access a network of over 10,000 doctors, hospitals, and clinics in more than 150 countries.  

Contact us to get in touch with our Brokers or Get a Quote now.   

Since 2008, A+ International Healthcare has been providing best-in-class medical health plans around the world. To know more about our products and services, visit, or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more updates. 
